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Foxton Primary School

Foxton Primary School

After-School Activities

We are very excited to announce that we will be offering Wrapafound Care in Summer 2024, this provision will be supported by JS Sports & Education.

Children at Foxton Primary are encouraged to participate in extra-curricular activities.  These take place before, during or after the school day.

A wide variety of activities is offered from Year 1 upwards; some are run by external providers, and usually there is a cost involved.  Others are run by volunteers and the teaching staff.  The activities vary from term to term, and details will be given at the start of each term. 

Regular termly school activities include:

MultiSports - For Years 1 - 6 Wednesday 3.15pm - 4.15pm.  Sporting activities include Dodgeball, Football, Handball, Cricket, Rounders, Badminton, Hockey and many more.   Payable termly.