Foxton School’s safety week ran from 16th – 20th March 2015
Foxton School’s safety week ran from 16th – 20th March 2015. The children learnt about a wide range of ways staying safe in school, at home and whilst out. We had visits from road and rail safety officers as well as from a water safety expert. In addition we ran a special assembly on farm safety and watched videos about staying safe with electricity and minimizing fire risks. E-safety was high on the agenda and the children has sessions in class which were followed by a Buddy Forum on Friday during which the children and adults collated all of their pieces of advice for staying safe online. These tips will be appearing around the school alongside our new Pupil Contract for using computers in school. A copy of this contract can be found in the curriculum section of this website. We also held a education evening which gave parents an opportunity to find out more about keeping their children safe online.