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Foxton Primary School

Foxton Primary School


Diagnosing your child is not a requirement to access additional support in primary school. It is a personal decision to be made by you and your family. It does not automatically ensure your child qualifies for any funding at school, such as an EHCP. 

If you think you or your child may have a significant speech and language delay or difficulty, the school can support with making a referral for a formation diagnosis through the NHS Community Paediatrics team.

Please note that the internal process for referral can take many months, as we have to implement strategies that can only be reviewed after 6 weeks, we have to wait for outside involvement and support, and the burden of paperwork and workload on our SENCo is significant. Referrals will also not be accepted without proof of completion of an accredited Parenting Course or Family Worker involvement.

We thank you for your patience and understanding in this regard.

Referral Process:

There are 3 possible outcomes from the Community Paediatric referral:

  1. Referral is accepted and placed on a waiting list (about a 2-year wait). You will be notified when a paediatrician can assess your child's needs. Once assessed, you will receive a report with their findings.

  2.  Referral is declined with accompanying letter advising and signposting next steps. 

  3. They request further information including possible screening questionnaires.