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Foxton Primary School

Foxton Primary School

Everyday maths can be practised at home in a range of ways: ​​​​​​asking your child to help measure or weigh things when cooking and doing DIY; asking your child to help with paying and getting change in the shop; talking about distances on road journeys etc.

KS1 and KS2 Mathletics tasks: tasks are set weekly for all children and children are expected to explore and practise the activities and to share their learning with parents and carers. Reception children may join the scheme in the summer term. Tasks should be completed by Thursday each week; new tasks are set each Friday. Mathletics can be found at

Mulitplication and division facts should be practised as much as possible as these are key building blocks for learning. The National Curriculum expectations for the end of each year are set out below. These are taught and practised in school but regular practice at home wil allow these to become embedded thoroughly.

Year 4, 5 & 6 children should continue to practise all multiplication and division facts regularly as they are tested weekly on all tables from 2 to 12. Quick recall of all facts up to 12x12 is a requirement of the expected standard for Y4 and this knowledge forms the essential underpinning of our work on written calculations and fractions in Y5 and Y6.

These websites provide a great and simple way for children to give themselves practice tests on specific tables. They are free, should work on all devices and need no app to be installed.

Children can select tables and choose whether to test themselves on division facts as well as multiplication facts. Short, frequent sessions are the most beneficial: 5 to 10 minutes daily can be very effective, especially if specific tables are targetted. Please record these in your child's reading record.