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Foxton Primary School

Foxton Primary School

You can find a good selection of books that are recommended for each year group here:


EYFS & Key Stage 1

We would expect children to read with an adult at home every day. Once your child has completed the book, please discuss the story with them, and ask questions. These could include finding out about their favourite part of the story or an alternative ending to the story. Record all your reading sessions in your child's reading record and feel free to include any comments your child may have made about the book. Reading books are replaced whenever they have been finished and are brought in to school. 

Class 1 children begin with phonics-linked books.

Miss D has made a very helpful video containing tips on how to support reading at home:

Class 2 children follow the Collins Big Cat reading scheme which comprises non-fiction books, plays and fiction books including tradition tales, shorter versions of classic books and modern stories.

Key Stage 2 

Reading scheme

Children will remain on a reading scheme in order to fully develop fluency, vocabulary and comprehension skills by matching content as accurately as is possible to reading level. Please ensure that these books are read at home (along with suitable discussion of the text), recorded in the reading record and then returned to school to be exchanged for the next book. Of course, children are welcome to read additional books for pleasure! Please do continue to record these in reading records too. If your child is on a reading scheme, then please continue to read with them daily. Class 3 reading books and reading records should be in school every day.

Free reading

Once they are confident and fluent enough, children will be able to choose books independently and become a free reader.  If your child is a free reader, please encourage your child to read at home as much as possible, both independently and with an adult.

Please note that even fluent readers benefit enormously from reading with an adult.  It provides opportunities to check understanding, to clarify the meaning of new vocabulary and to develop the ability to infer and deduce information that is not directly stated in the text. Please encourage your child to question and discuss their reading material. The children do this in their reading groups in school and we would like to encourage this at home as much as possible. 

Please record reading sessions of 15 minutes (both independent and those with an adult) in your child's reading record. We would expect free readers in Class 3 and Class 4 to complete at least three 15-minute sessions per week.

Reading records are collected weekly, so teachers can assess the amount of reading that has been undertaken and read any comments. Class 3 reading books and reading records should be in school every dayIn Class 4, reading records will be collected and reviewed every Thursday.