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Foxton Primary School

Foxton Primary School

School Policies

Here you will find our school policies. If you have a particular need for a paper copy, please contact the school office.

The school policies are on a cycle of review operated by the governing body. Some are reviewed annually, some biannually and others less frequently. Sometimes at review the policy remains unchanged but the newly signed copy is held in the school office. If the policy changes then it is also changed on the school website.

  1. Acceptable Use of ICT Policy
    PDF File
  2. Accessibility Policy Foxton
    PDF File
  3. Anti-Bullying Policy
    PDF File
  4. Attendance Policy
    PDF File
  5. Behaviour Policy
    PDF File
  6. Charging & Remissions Policy
    PDF File
  7. Children with Health Needs who cannot Attend School Policy
    PDF File
  8. CIC policy Foxton
    PDF File
  9. Code of Conduct for all Adults Policy
    PDF File
  10. Complaints Policy
    PDF File
  11. Complaints Policy Form
    DOCX File
  12. Curriculum Entitlements Document
    PDF File
  13. Data Protection Policy
    PDF File
  14. Educational Visits policy
    PDF File
  15. Equality Information Objectives
    PDF File
  16. Exclusion Policy
    PDF File
  17. EYFS Policy
    PDF File
  18. Finance Policy
    PDF File
  19. Freedom of Information
    PDF File
  20. Health, Safety and Welfare Policy
    PDF File
  21. Intimate Care Policy
    PDF File
  22. Lone working policy
    PDF File
  23. Marking Policy
    PDF File
  24. Mobile Phone and Other Smart Devices Policy
    PDF File
  25. Online Safety Policy
    PDF File
  26. Parental Communication and Engagement Policy
    PDF File
  27. Photography and Photo Permissions Policy
    PDF File
  28. Physical Intervention Policy
    PDF File
  29. Prevent Action Plan
    PDF File
  30. Promoting Positive Mental Health and Well being Policy
    PDF File
  31. PSHCE Policy
    PDF File
  32. Relationships Education Policy Including Sex Education Policy
    PDF File
  33. Responding to Prejudice Related Incidents Policy
    PDF File
  34. Safeguarding and Child Protection Policy
    PDF File
  35. Safer Recruitment and Procedure Policy
    PDF File
  36. SEND Policy
    PDF File
  37. Supporting Pupils at school with medical conditions and first aid
    PDF File
  38. Teaching and Learning Policy
    PDF File
  39. Visitor and Parent Conduct Policy
    PDF File
  40. Whistle Blowing Policy and Procedure
    PDF File