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Foxton Primary School

Foxton Primary School

Speech, Language and Communication

Speech, Language and Communication (SLC)

What is SLC?

(Image taken from

Speech language and communication (SLC) needs is often called a ‘hidden difficulty’.  This means that instead of communication difficulties people may see children showing poor behaviour, having difficulties learning or socialising with others. Some children may become withdrawn or isolated. Their needs are often misinterpreted, misdiagnosed or missed altogether.

SLC needs, can be sub-categorised into the following areas:

  • Speech needs (making sounds and using them in words).

  • Expressive language needs (using words and sentences).

  • Receptive language needs (understanding spoken language).

  • Stammering (frequent or significant difficulties with normal fluency and flow of speech).

There are many different strategies than can inform provision and intervention for SLC as it is a very broad umbrella term for a range of difficulties. Click on the link for a range of How-to guides.


If you or school believe your child may have a speech and/or language delay, a referral may be made to Speech and Language Therapy (NHS).